Building a better tomorrow

Organizations use Groundswell to support nonprofits through individual employee donor-advised funds.
Fast deployment
Get your corporate giving program up and running fast.
Insights and reporting
Understand the issues your team cares about and report on company-wide impact.
Valuable program resources
Find resources on critical issues and spend less time searching for places to give during key moments.

Trusted by

Companies average
55% employee participation with Groundswell

Decentralize charitable action

Dedicate a percentage of a company’s charitable giving and let employees support causes they care most about.
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More equitable and inclusive giving

Employees expect companies to align with their values and support the causes that matter most.The reality is every one has a unique perspective and background. It’s time to respect that.
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Built for privacy

There are countless issues that employees may want to keep private.Groundswell lets them. We make sure companies’ and employees’ information are safe and secure.
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Reduce corporate brand risk

Groundswell eliminates a company’s affiliation with the nonprofits their employees choose to donate.

A corporate foundation at no extra charge

Companies can leverage Groundswell for all of its corporate grant making in addition to employee gifting and matching.

A new approach to
employee giving.

Groundswell’s Personal Giving Accounts are powered by a Donor-Advised Funds (DAF) held by the Groundswell Charitable Foundation.
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You’re safe with us

All your data is aggregated and anonymized as Groundswell is SOC 2 compliant and exceeds the compliance standards of Global Fortune 500 clients.

Ready to modernize your corporate giving?

Book a Demo

Corporate philanthropy resources

Easily find the information you need to make key decisions and stay on the pulse of corporate philanthropy.
Corporate Philanthropy
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How to Increase Employee Engagement and Motivation Through Volunteerism
How to Increase Employee Engagement and Motivation Through Volunteerism

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Corporate Philanthropy
3 Steps to Create an Impactful Year-End Fundraising Campaign with Groundswell
3 Steps to Create an Impactful Year-End Fundraising Campaign with Groundswell

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Groundswell News
Groundswell Tops 20 Categories in G2's Summer Awards
Groundswell Tops 20 Categories in G2's Summer Awards